Hi and thanks a lot for adding a new car to the site 👍
Just fill out the specs that you know about below and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Afterwards I'll approve the specs and then the new car will start being shown on the site.
If you have any questions, you can contact me here.
- Mads
About you
So I can credit for your submission.
You can write your real name or a pseudonym if you prefer that.
So I can contact you if I'm unsure about some of your edits.
Your email will not be shown anywhere on the site.
This field can be used if you have any message for me or if you just want to say hi 👋
If you prefer, you can also just leave this field empty.
Usually something like ARA4302V3T1, TAM58649 or TRX58034-2-BLUE (the exact format depends on the brand + model)
This field is required when adding a new car, so I can make sure it's not a duplicate of an existing car.